gate is still across, but the RTN now has a footway down one side and a kissing gate barrier on to the path that goes up onto the riverside (former paint factory). The (very overgrown) path down the East Ham side of the A406 emerges on this road and you are faced with a shared unsegregated path sign - though as yet there is no evidence of where his is.
Annoyingly, the Jenkins Lane end of the RTN has a new "no entry except buses" sign to match the one further up, facing the other way. I have put in a complaint to Newham Council about this - see below.
The gate across the RTN is quite high off the ground and it is possible to slide a bicycle underneath and then slip under oneself (if one is not wearing best clothes).
Here's the text of my complaint which I submitted on line at
Details of the complaintThe new road from Jenkins Lane to Barking Town Quay has a "no entry except buses" sign at the Jenkins Lane end, and another facing the other way further towards Barking. This is unfair on cyclists. Jenkins Lane was cut off by the S Woodford to Barking Relief Road many years ago and we have waited and waited for access to be restored, only to find that you have allowed buses only. This would be a useful route to the cinema etc. If cyclists ignore the restriction they will be criticised for breaking the law, so why should Newham Council get away with this blatant anti-cycling measure?
What would you like the council to do?Remove the restriction on cycles, perhaps by replacing the signs with the blue "buses and cycles only" signs or "no motor vehicles except buses" signs, or get permission and have "no entry except buses and cycles"'