Sunday 29 November 2009

Right to ride to school

"All children should have the right to cycle to school.

There are many excellent programmes designed to promote cycling to children – such as Bikeability and CTC’s Bike Club.

But there remains a persistent problem - many children are unable to cycle to school because:

* they don’t know how
* their parents would rather drive them
* they don’t have anywhere to keep their bike
* their school actively discourages this mode of transportation

It is especially frustrating when children who have received Bikeability cycle training and whose parents are supportive of cycling are unable to cycle because their schools forbid them from bringing their bikes onto school grounds … or just forbid them outright.

In response to these concerns, CTC will be releasing a campaigning kit for families who want their children to be able to cycle to school despite opposition from head teachers and/or governors. "

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