Saturday 17 May 2008

Eat like a lean machine

Below is summary dietary advice for cycle tourists from Joe Beer of CTC in Cycle magazine Apr/May 2008. I am not a doctor or dietician - you follow the advice at your own risk.

1. Eat 5-6 times a day (300-400 calories) rather than the wait until the evening to catch up on your calorie needs.

2. Drink a glass of water before each mini-meal.

3. Reduce bad fats (hydrogenates, saturates) but include quality fats (olive oil. oily fish, linseed).

4. Reduce refined sugars in favour of fibrous foods that require chewing (potatoes, rice, apples, yams, pasta).

5. Minimise alcohol intake - it stores fat way too easily for most to get away with it.

6. Buy a quality multi-vitamin and the best-quality food you can afford.

7. Do not starve yourself (i.e. no fewer than 1500 1800 calories per day). You'll plummet your metabolism and store fat easier when you do eat normally later on.

8. Don't expect results overnight. Fat goes on and comes off very slowly. Consistency counts.

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