Wednesday 21 May 2008

St Awdry's Walk - "Peto Alley"

There are plans - early outline plans, I believe - to extend Vicarage Field Shopping Centre towards the railway line, resulting in the closure of St Awdry's Walk (known locally as Peto Alley).

Some people, it seems, feel this would be no great loss as there are safety issues in the alley. I don't know about that but having spent years camapigning to get a wheeling ramp for bikes at the station end (and the council having spent £s on the shared segregated upgrade to the path) I will fight this one tooth and nail, along I suspect with the resident of the area for whom it forms a significant shortcut to the station.

The next shortest route would be over the two footbridges between St Awdry's Road and Salisbury Avenue. The feeling of safety using these bridges is not strong, let alone the need to use 4 staircases - with no wheeling ramps for cyclists - instead of one.

Perhaps the idea is to force cyclists to use the town centre "bandstand" route, whereupon they will encounter gates across the road, no entry signs, one ways, pedestrianisation and a general feeling of hostility to cyclists.

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