Sunday 22 May 2011

Victoria Road

Following my previous post, I had a quick nose down Victoria Road today. The signs are already installed, albeit covered. At the junction with Loxford Road there are "no entry" signs facing west - apart from tne fact that they are round, one of them is not completely covered.

Nearer Ilford Lane, facing east, are what I assume are one way traffic signs - rectangular. These are covered, but fit with the public notice and correspond with the 'no entry' signs further west.

I apologise that my impact on B&D council in twenty years of campaigning is such that they will still propose and even implement schemes such with no reference to cycling at all. This one is a minor scheme (but many are) and it won't cause major problems, but the feeling is of a death of a thousand cuts. Are we, little by little, progressing, or is it the opposite? Hard campaigning can lead, here and there, to things being restored to how they were before cycling was unfairly and pointlessly restricted, but restrictions themselves continue to increase. B&D council tried their luck with Axe St - t doesn't seem to have happened (a campaigning success), but it requires much vigilance and perseverance to hold back the powerful if not fast flow of anti-cycling measures that this council still manages to propose or even implement, despite the claim that they are prp cycling. It is not enough to just say/write that you are pro cycling, B&D council. You have to live this out, and stamp out the pernicious if ignorant attempts to restrict cycling

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