Wednesday 21 May 2008

how to be green as you clean

From The Times

• Use milk to remove ink stains on cotton.

• If you've got blood on something, the first thing you should try is your own saliva.

• Microfibre cloths will get glass really clean with just a splash of water.

• If you spill red wine on a carpet, don't use salt or white wine - soda water is better.

• To remove grey marks on your bath, fill the tub with water, add a packet of denture cleaner and leave it overnight.

• Remove soap scum from glasses by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar with 240ml of water. Immerse the glass in the liquid, then polish dry.

• To kill dust mites on a mattress, put a teabag in a spray bottle filled with cold water. Let it sit for three minutes, then spray lightly over the mattress.

• Remove lipstick marks from fabric with glycerine on a cotton wool ball.

• Banish fridge smells by inserting a divider dish containing vanilla essence on one side and bicarbonate of soda on the other.

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