Monday 20 December 2010

Tannoy oy oy oy oy

I can remember the days when there was no train information on many barking & Gospel Oak line platforms. I can also remember having an argument with Silverlink a few years back, over whether there were any speakers installed at Harringay Green Lanes. After flatly contradicting me (a daily user of the station), they finally said they had been delivered to the site. Fat lot of good if they're not up-and-running.

Well now we have an embarasse de richesse at HGL, with two speakers systems up and running, producing a nice out-of-synch duet between the voices as they announce differently worded versions of the same information. Maybe I could forgive a few days overlap of the systems (better to have double announcements than none), but this silliness has been going on for weeks now.

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